Online chemistry tutoring, classes and exam preparation for high schoolers given by Dr. Cristina Gherasim

🧪 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry

LIVE ONLINE CLASS for future Pre-Med students
By: Cristina Gherasim

Is your child a high school student considering Pre-med, biology, and biomedical studies in college?

Then you might have heard that Organic Chemistry courses in college are the ones Pre-med or science students struggle with the most. This results in them failing Organic Chemistry classes or barely passing. This way pre-med students often retake Organic Chemistry or drop out of Pre-med because of this subject.

This course gives your child the fundamental Organic Chemistry knowledge that will help them ACE Organic Chemistry Pre-Med courses so they can get admitted into the med-school of their choice.

Do you want your child to be prepared for the advanced & fast-paced college-level Organic Chemistry courses?

Do you want them to MASTER Organic Chemistry so that they can thrive through Pre-Med or STEM Majors?

Then this class is exactly what you need!

AP Chemistry or at least Regular High School Chemistry is required as a pre-requisite for this class.

Enroll your child in this class and help them build a solid foundation for Organic Chemistry so that they can thrive through Pre-med and get accepted into the top med-school of their dreams!

Apply now!

Cristina Gherasim

My name is Dr. Cristina Gherasim, and I’m here to help you learn chemistry fast by unleashing your capacity for exploring and actually enjoying chemistry. My step-by-step method helps you unlock your potential to master chemistry like a boss and ace your exams.